Cortex Perception Index

Empowering healthcare with clear, intuitive feedback.




The Cortex Perception Index (CPI) is a robust and intuitive system designed to evaluate feedback from patients and employees effectively. Drawing upon principles similar to the Net Promoter Score (NPS), CPI offers a more accessible and versatile approach to feedback assessment.

Scoring Mechanism

The CPI utilizes a straightforward scoring mechanism where responses are evaluated on a scale from 0 to 10. The feedback is categorized and scored as follows:

  • Green responses: Indicating positive feedback, awarded 10 points.
  • Yellow responses: Signifying neutral feedback, receive 5 points.
  • Red responses: Reflecting negative feedback, given 0 points.
  • Gray responses: Excluded from the calculation.

This color-coded approach simplifies the scoring system, making it more user-friendly compared to the NPS's +100 to -100 scale. Moreover, CPI's versatility extends beyond the single "likelihood to refer" metric of NPS, allowing for a broader benchmarking and trend analysis across various feedback types.

Practical Application

A practical example of CPI in action is assessing patient experiences in skilled nursing facilities, particularly regarding dining services. Instead of using a numerical scale, patients are asked an open-ended question about their meal experiences. Based on their responses, feedback is categorized into:

  • "Food was good"
  • "Food was ok"
  • "Food was not good"
  • "Patient did not try the food"

This method facilitates more natural conversations, especially with elderly patients who may find numerical ratings less intuitive. For instance, if feedback from 50 patients results in 28 green responses, 10 yellow, and 12 red, the compiled score would be 6.6 out of 10. This approach allows for open-ended questions that foster friendly interactions while still enabling quantitative analysis to compare performance against competitors or historical data.

Advanced Analytics

Beyond mere scoring, the Cortex Perception Index incorporates advanced audio analytics to gain deeper insights into patient feedback. This technology enhances the understanding of patient experiences, providing a richer, more nuanced analysis. The additional layer of audio analytics and summarization empowers decision-makers to improve service quality for patients and create a better working environment for employees.

Benefits of the Cortex Perception Index

Enhanced Understanding

The CPI offers a more intuitive and accessible way to interpret feedback, making it easier for healthcare providers to grasp the overall sentiment of their patients and employees. This improved understanding leads to more informed decision-making.


Unlike NPS, which is limited to assessing the likelihood of referral, CPI can evaluate a wide range of feedback types. This versatility allows for comprehensive benchmarking and trend analysis, providing a holistic view of organizational performance.

Improved Communication

By using open-ended questions and categorizing responses in a user-friendly manner, CPI facilitates better communication between healthcare providers and their patients or employees. This approach ensures that feedback is gathered in a respectful and empathetic manner, fostering a positive environment for all parties involved.

Actionable Insights

The combination of color-coded scoring and advanced audio analytics provides healthcare providers with actionable insights. These insights help organizations identify areas of improvement, implement effective strategies, and ultimately enhance the overall patient and employee experience.


The Cortex Perception Index represents a significant advancement in feedback assessment for healthcare providers. By leveraging this intuitive and versatile scoring framework, organizations can gain a deeper understanding of their patients' and employees' experiences. This comprehensive approach to feedback not only simplifies the scoring process but also provides valuable insights that drive meaningful improvements in service quality and workplace satisfaction.

Adopting the Cortex Perception Index can empower healthcare providers to make better decisions, improve their services, and create a more positive environment for both patients and employees.